DTSC Remediation
This approach offers a faster and more effective solution for cleaning up sites with high levels of metal contamination in the soil. It can be applied on a case-by-case basis to both active and closing hazardous waste facilities, as well as Brownfields sites. The cleanup process is streamlined by focusing the site-specific remedy evaluation on excavation/disposal and containment/capping. Additionally, it provides guidelines for establishing background concentrations, screening levels, and cleanup goals.
In-situ bioremediation, an innovative approach to groundwater cleanup, has shown promising results. This method involves introducing food materials like molasses, vegetable oils, and cheese whey into contaminated groundwater to stimulate the growth of bacterial microorganisms. These bacteria consume the food and subsequently break down toxic chemicals such as trichloroethylene (TCE), a common industrial pollutant.
Compared to traditional methods that require pumping and treating contaminated water above ground, in-situ bioremediation is more cost-effective, energy-efficient, and environmentally friendly. It reduces the cleanup timeline from years to months and minimizes the generation of new toxic waste. As the science behind this method continues to improve, it is becoming a more natural and effective way to address groundwater contamination.
Results promising for “in situ” bioremediation “All the new remedies are ‘in situ’ bioremediation,” Charlie Ridenour, Branch Chief DTSC, said.