Frequently Asked Questions
If you can't find the answer to the questions below, please email us at:

Do I have to report to the City to be compliant with SB 1383?
This is a bit confusing and a grey area but technically NO. For residents, SB 1383 requires City’s to report to CalRecycle. Cities have been relying on their contracted franchise haulers to do so which is why City’s encourage disposal of source separated food waste into the yard waste bin that is picked up by the same hauler as before. It is the quick and easy way for City’s to get the numbers they need to report to the State authorities.
However, there is no language in SB 1383 requiring individuals or individual businesses to report either to their City or to CalRecycle directly. Nevertheless, 301 Organics will track your waste for you and submit whatever report to the City that is requested. You can even access a portal to find out for yourself what you have generated on any given day or week so you can better manage your processes to reduce your waste load.

How do I sign up?
Click here to pick your option and service level that is right for you and to schedule your site visit. [Home-Based Composting | 301organics]

Is there a start-up cost?
Yes, but it is a shared cost. Depending on the site visit and volume generated by you or your establishment, you pay for half the cost of the number of containers you will need. We’ll figure this out during our site visit.

What is the frequency of service?
For residents (homeowners or multi-family complexes), weekly.
For food service establishments, to be determined based on site visit and volume generated. We will come to you to help you estimate how much food waste your business generates, and come up with the service and subscription plan that is right for you and fair to us.

What is the cost to food service providers?
$0 - Drop Off Services. 1x/week up to 30 gallons/drop.
Subscription fee beyond 30 gallons/week to be negotiated to fit your budget.
Call for more details.

How is the food waste collected?
In specialized closed containers that take up minimal space and can take the place of your current collection bin. Our containers have a very small footprint, are stackable and easily transportable. Because they are closed containers, they can be housed either indoors or outdoors and odors and other nuisances are kept to a minimum if not all together avoided.
Containers are either emptied and wiped down or replaced with a clean one (additional cleaning fee for this option). You’d be surprised that handling freshly discarded food that is not left to rot, actually helps keep the containers clean. No need to spend extra money on liners.

What if there is not a partner site in my neighborhood or City?
We can help set one up. Just call us. We’ve got a step-by-step process.

What is the cost to residents?
The cost is variable depending on the level of subscription service you would like. $0 - Neighborhood Host/Early Adopter/Compost Champion. $60/mo - Drop off Service at partner site. $120/mo - Specialized At-Home Service. We come to you, to compost for you!

Frequently Asked Questions
We are eager to help and excited to partner with you! As this is an evolving service, there are more and more questions that arise. If you don't find the answer here, just text us at: 626-696-6529 with your question.

Why go with 301 Organics?
1) It’s cheaper and we are not a waste hauler.
2) Our emissions are nothing compared to your commercial hauler who takes your food scraps to who knows where for processing. OK…we do know where and it’s not local causing a fair amount of congestion on the road, a fair amount of unnecessary emissions, and over inflated and added costs to homeowners and small business owners.
3) We make a local and undeniably sustainable product from your food scraps that you can use.
4) We utilize the most recent and appropriate composting technology on the market. We have tried and tested them and we know what they are capable of.
5) We know how to make a high quality compost product that is biologically active and not chemically synthesized. If we can make a product good enough to put on the Rose Bowl Stadium grounds, golf course and soccer fields, then its good enough for everyone else!
6) It’s the right thing to do to combat global climate change…..locally.

Do I have to subscribe to my City’s waste hauler?
No. You can compost at home. You can take your food scraps (self-haul) to a community composting hub. You can call us and we can compost for you at your home. We can help you cancel your existing organics pickup service. It’s as simple as sending an email to your Public Works Department in charge of ensuring your City is compliant with SB 1383. Being compliant actually is the ultimate responsibility of the generator not the hauler.