Growing a Green Jobs Training Program...

Beginning March 31st, 30.1 Organics in collaboration with the Rose Bowl Stadium launched its Green Jobs Training Program to offer local area students an opportunity to learn about and train for jobs in the environmental field....with a particular emphasis on solid waste and food waste recovery. With the growing need for an educated and knowledgeable workforce to support zero-waste initiatives at the Rose Bowl Stadium, it was imperative to put in a place a rigorous and comprehensive recruiting and training program to ensure that patrons were fully engaged in the Stadium's zero-waste efforts. Students complete up to 10 hours of in-classroom training and an additional 50 hours of combined field training and on-the-job work experience. Students are introduced to the topics of solid waste management and disposal strategies as well as the environmental impacts associated with the industry and current practices. Students also learn more emerging and sustainable practices for managing food waste and greenwaste and are given an opportunity to learn about the composting process and the importance of soil in helping to combat our climate crisis! Check back regularly for posts from our students who are eager to share what they are learning during their training. Below is a sample of what they are reflecting on:
Student Author: Radha Veiga, John Muir High School, Pasadena, CA
"The Story of Stuff video 5-22-20. The video covered many topics about how the world has had its way around making money and has caused extreme pollution problems to the world. First, there’s a system that is called the materials economy and it’s what makes the country run and make money. This on going cycle is destroying the world. Using resources that come from the planet and turn it all into something that later turns into trash and ends up being turned into toxics released in the air. I learned from the video that people are unconsciously being manipulated into doing something that creates such a bad environment for ourselves, and it has already. This video made me see things a whole different way. I did not know before that it was all planned out for us humans to be in an on going cycle to destroy. It also makes me sad because all the natural resources are being used up and we only have one planet that can only tolerate it for a certain time."
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